The course provides basic training in cargo handling and cargo care for deck officers of dry cargo ships of less than 200 gross tonnages. It covers goods in packaged form and dry cargoes in bulk, including dangerous substances, and related car-handling gear and equipment. Subjects such as loading and discharge, stowage, segregation, ventilation, and general safety precautions are covered.
The course is open to those being trained to serve as masters and deck officers on ships of less the 2000 GRT engaged on near-coastal voyages or those on internal waters.
This course aims to impart the mandatory minimum requirements of the 1978 International Convention on Standard of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), as amended for knowledge, understanding, and proficiency of marine deck and engineer officer s in the operational and management levels as provided in Section A – II/1.II/2 and II/3, respectively of the STCW Code for the function Controlling the Operation of the Ship and care for Persons on Board.
This consolidated course covers the requirements of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocols of 1978 and 1977 (MARPOL 73/78) based on the technical content provided in Annexes I to VI.
This course is open to marine deck and engine officers and other personnel responsible in ensuring compliance of onboard operations to regulations of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention as modified in Protocol 1997.
This model course aims to meet mandatory minimum requirements for the training personnel aboard ro-ro passenger ships, and the training of personnel on and passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships as follows as.
Ro-ro passenger ships
The training for masters, chief masters, chief engineers officers, second engineer officers, and any person assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers, loading, discharging or securing cargo, or closing hull openings and any other person having a responsibility for the safety of passengers in emergency situations required by Regulation V/2, pa.7 and 8, of the STCW Convention, And specified in Section A-V/2 pa.4 and 5.
All personnel having specific responsibilities on board detailed in Section A-V/2 and Section A=V/3 pa:4 and 5 must undertake this training.
This course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for the training of masters, officers, rating and other personnel on ro-ro passenger ships and on passenger ships other than ro-ro passengers ship in Regulation V/2, pa.4,5 and 6 and Regulation V3, pa. 4,5 and 6 and specified in the STCW Code Section A-V/2 and A-V/3, pa. 1,2 and 3.
All personnel having responsibilities on board must undertake training dependent on those duties and responsibilities.
Crowd management training is required for masters, officer, rating and other personnel on ro-ro passenger ships and on passenger ships (STCW Code Section A-V/2 pa.1, and Section A-VV/3 pa.1). Familiarization training is required for masters, officers and other personnel assigned specific duties and responsibilities on ro-ro passenger vessels and on passenger vessels (STCW Code Section A-V/2). Safety training is required for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces (STCW Code Section A-V/2 pa.3, and Section A-V/3 pa.3).
This course is intended for:
-seafaring personnel responsible for the handling of packaged dangerous hazardous and harmful cargoes (hereafter referred to as “dangerous goods”) aboard ships; and
Shore-based personnel (including Competent Authority and similar personnel) responsible for the transport of dangerous goods by sea.
The course is designed as a free-standing one and is not dependent on a set level of knowledge of other aspects of ships operations, nor is detailed chemical manufacturing knowledge required. However, for Seafarers, additional training is specified by the STCW convention may be necessary to achieve appropriate qualifications. If used as a module for the certification of seafarers in accordance with section A- II/2 of the STCW Code, the required educational background for such certification applies.
The course can also be used for the training of experienced key ratings who have; or intended to have, responsibilities for dangerous goods.
This model aims to provide the training for candidates to provide medical first aid on board ship, in accordance with Section A-VI-4 of the STCW Code.
This course covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter VI, Section A-VI/4, Table A-VI/4-1. Thus meeting the minimum standard of competence in medical first aid, a trainee will be competent to apply immediate first aid in the event of accident or illness on board.
For admission to the course, seafarers should have completed IMO Model Course No. 1.13, Elementary First Aid or attained a similar standard in elementary first aid.
This training course program aims to increase awareness among seafarers the nature and extent of alcohol and drug problems in the maritime sector particularly among officers and rating onboard and to provide knowledge regarding preventive measures and policies to address such problems.
Merchant marine officers, ratings and cadets are the primary targets of this program, which is aimed at the reduction and prevention of alcohol and drug related problems on board. However, the same program involved in the education, recruitment, selection, training, and development of maritime manpower.
The content of this course includes the important basic engineering knowledge that Seafarers should learn, understand and apply when keeping watch in the Engine Room as well as the precautionary and preventive actions that should be undertaken in the occurrence of accidents such as engine room fire, power failure, and oil spill.
This module was designed to satisfy the requirements of regulation III/4 (Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Ratings Forming Part of an Engine Room Watch) of the International Organization STCW Convention.
This course is offered NO. 1 oilers, Wipers and other ratings forming part of the engine room watch.
This course is based on the requirements of Regulation II/4 of chapter II, Section A-II/4 and Chapter II, Section B-II/4, STCW-78 as amended in 1995 mandatory requirements for Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch, navigational functions at the support level.
This course is principally intended to a trainee who is deck ratings in the support level forming part of the navigational watch.
This course is intended to provide the knowledge and enhance the skills required for seafarers with designated security duties in connection with a Ship Security Plan (SSP) to perform their duties under the applicable provision of ISPS Code and Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 (Special Measures to Enhance Maritime Security. It also meets the requirements of Regulation VI/6, Paragraph 4-8, Tables A-VI/6-1 and A-VI.6-2 ). The course is open to those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of anyone involved in maritime security.
The training program is intended for all seafarers or other shipboard personnel who will not be assigned specific security duties and/or who are likely to have designated security duties in connection with SSP and seafarers who have already completed the Ship Security Officer(IMO Model Course 3.19).
This training course aims to provide knowledge to those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Ship Security Officer (SSO), as defined in section A/2.1.6 (and section A/12.1) of the ISPS code, and in particular the duties and responsibilities with respect to the security of a ship, for implementing and maintaining a Ship Security Plan and for liaising with the Company Security Officer (CSO) and with Port Facility Security Officers (PFSOs).
Those attending this course will be serving seafarers (or other shipboard personnel) and that they are likely to be designated as a ship security officer. Certificate of Completion should be issued to those who have successfully completed this course indicating that the holder has completed training as a ship security officer base on this model course. The outcome of this course may be achieved through various methods, including classroom training, computer-based training or a combination of this method.
This training program aims to meet the mandatory requirements for Masters, officers and rating and other personnel aboard RO-RO/Passenger/Cargo Passenger Ships engaged on domestic voyages pursuant to DOCT Department Order No. 2001-49.
This course covers the mandatory requirements for the training officers, ratings, crew and other personnel serving on board Domestic Ro-Ro/Passenger ships.
All personnel having responsibilities on board must undertake training dependent on those duties and responsibilities for masters, officers, rating and other personnel on ro-ro passenger ships and on passenger ships (STCW Code Section A-V/2 pa, 1 and Section A-V/3 pa. 1). Must be applicable to all officers, rating and other personnel designated on muster list to assist passengers in emergency situations onboard passenger ships engaged in domestic voyages. Trainees who completed the training course shall be issued a certificate of completion. Trainee’s practicum shall be on board an inter-island vessel of 500 GT and above.
This training program is in fulfillment of the mandatory training required for deck ratings forming part of a navigational watch on board domestic vessels pursuant to DOTC Department Order No. 2001-49, dated 13 June 2001. These requirements and guidance cover, among other things, the competence to perform the function at the support level and minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required of deck ratings in the safe operation of ships, the safety of lives and properties, and protection of the marine environment.
This training course / Program is intended to all deck ratings in the support level forming part of navigation watch boarding the domestic vessel of 100 GT and above. Trainee(s) on successful completion of the course and assessment and shall be issued a certificate of completion certifying that he has successfully completed a course training which meets or exceeds the minimum standard of the requirements and guidance of DOTC Department Order No. 2001-49. The course duration shall be for two (2) days/16 hours.
This course covers the training recommended in Chapter III, Regulation III/4, Chapter III, Section A-III/4, and Chapter III, Section B-III/4 STCW 78 Convention as amended in 1995.
A trainee who successfully completes this course you will be able to perform the duties, responsibilities, and competency of a rating forming part of an engineering watch.
This course is intended for:
-high school graduate;
-not less than 18 years old, who are
-physically fit; and
-have undergone an approved period of seagoing which not be less than two (2) months. This training program is intended for all engine rating in the support level forming part of engineering watch serving domestic vessels of 200 KW. Trainees who completed the training program shall be issued Certificate of Completion.
This training program is intended for domestic seafarers to increase their awareness on the nature and extent of alcohol and drug problems and to raise the level of awareness about STD/HIV Infection /AIDS among officers, ratings, crew and other personnel engaged in the domestic trade.
This program is intended for officers, ratings, crew and other personnel engaged in the domestic trade. Trainees who successfully completed the training program shall be issued Certificated of Completion.
This course covers radiotelephony by deck officers on board domestic vessels below 500 GRT that as no formal education in maritime studies, i.e. major and minor patrons. It will also deal with the use of radar and electronic navigation systems.
This training program is intended for all Major and Minor Patron engaged in the domestic vessel below 500 GRT.
This training course is in fulfillment of the mandatory recurrency training required for Masters and Mates on board domestic vessels pursuant to Department Order No. 2001-49 dated 13 June 2001.
This course is applicable to all ship officers acting as Masters and Mates navigating domestic vessels of at least 100GT or 200KW. Trainees who completed the training course shall be issued Certificate of Completion. The practical exercises shall be conducted on board an interisland vessel of above 500 GT. The training course shall be for three (3) days, one (1) day of which will be devoted to the practicum.
This training will provide adequate knowledge, guidance and skills on the Best Management Practices (BMP) in avoiding piracy attacks, deterring attacks, delaying successful attacks and handling the situation with pirates on board, particularly when transiting the Gulf of Aden, off the Coast of Somalia and other pirates infested areas.
Techniques how to survive piracy and hostage situation off the Coast of Somalia.
This model Training aims to provide knowledge to those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO), as defined in section A/2.1.8 (and section A/17) of the ISPS Code, and in particular the duties and responsibilities with respect t the security of a port facility, for ensuring the development (or for developing) of, implementing, maintaining and updating a Port Facility Security Plan and for liaising with Ship Security Officers (SSOs) and with Company Security Officer (CSOs).
This training program is applicable to all personnel designated as Chief Security Officers (to be appointed PFSO), Security Heads, Deputy Chief Security Officers (to be appointed DPFSO), senior Supervisors, Staff Internal Auditors, Security Commanders, Port Managers, Port Chief of Security, Port Senior Attorneys , Retired Military Officers (to be appointed as Security Officer) and other concerned personnel assigned/designated/engaged on ship and port management/ operations to ensure that standards for security of the port facility.ies are met.
This model course aims to provide knowledge to those may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Company Security Officer (CSO), as defined in paragraph 2.1.7 (and paragraph 11.1) of the ISPS Code, Part A, and in particular the duties and responsibilities with respect to the security of a ship, for ensuring the development (or for developing) of a ship security assessment, for ensuring the development (or for developing), implementation, maintenance and updating of a ship security plan and for liaising with Ship Security Officers (SSOs) and with Port Facility Security Officers (PFSO s).
Those attending this course will be persons employed (or to be employed) by a company and that they are likely to be designated as Company Security Officer. However, no specific entry requirements are envisaged. Certificate of Completion should be issued to those who have successfully completed this course indicating that the holder has completed training as “Company Security Officer” based on this model course. The outcome may be achieved through various methods, including classroom training, computer based training or a combination of these methods.
The training program is designed primarily for all shipboard personnel. It deals with the principles of Standard English consisting of grammar & skills, vocabulary, terminologies, standard communication phrases used in the maritime environment. The course aims to provide awareness to the trainees of their responsibilities to promote understanding and camaraderie on board vessels and contribute to maritime safety.
Those enrolling the course may or may not have experience, but individuals, agency representatives involved in education and training, recruitment, selection and development of maritime manpower are also suitable. Those who are about to enter the profession or new entrants to join the experienced participants should be made known to the instructor.
This course covers the regulation II/2 and III/2 of the STCW Convention 1978 as amended and the standards set forth by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). This course comprises topics on general maritime and safety administration covering the perspective of both public and private law, focusing on international regulations of maritime transport and related actions including limitation of liability, maritime contracts, admiralty, jurisdiction and procedure and the carriage of goods by sea act.
This course is open to all officers in the management and operational level which are responsible for processing legal documents in the vessel.